How to Save Money and Have a DOS Wedge in 128 Mode A friend of mine told me about a neat trick built into the C-128 Machine Language Monitor, accessed by pressing F8. Since then, I've been looking for some documentation of it in my books, and have yet to find it. It's one of the best kept secrets I know of, and I'm going to let the cat out of the bag! Using the built-in ML monitor on the 128, you can type "," and follow it with most of the DOS wedge commands, and it works like a charm to format disks, new a disk, scratch, validate, and rename files. To get out of the monitor, type X and press [RETURN]. Below are the commands I've tested myself with my 128. You wouldn't want to load and run or save a file under normal circumstances with this method, but it does make a few things easier. 128 Mode ML Monitor DOS Commands ,n:diskname,id - Formats a new disk ,n:diskname - Quick formats a previously formatted disk. ,$ - Lists disk directory ,s:filename - Scratches a file ,r:newname=oldname - Renames a file on the disk ,v - Validates the disk. ,I - Initializes the disk in the drive. ,uj - Resets the disk drive (1571 disk only) x:RETURN - Exits the monitor back to BASIC 128 mode F-Keys: The Cl 28 comes with the F-keys already defined to serve specific functions. Fl GRAPHIC Not a very useful command for general use F2 DLOAD Type in the filename and the quote F3 DIRECTORY Lists disk directory. F4 SCNCLR This clears the screen F5 DSAVE Add filename and quote F6 RUN Runs a previously loaded program. F7 LIST Lists a BASIC program or directory, if loaded. F8 MONITOR An easy way to use DOS commands. (From Gaelyne Gasson's web page via the Commodore Compendium, via Random Bits 1/98, via The Commodore Information Center web site ( )