CHANGING COLORS IN THE WRITE STUFF This is all in the book, of course, but hey! Who has time to read that? You can change the colors on the help screen by pressing b for background and \ for text while viewing the screen. To access the help screen in TWS 128, press and hold [COMMODORE], then press [SHIFT]. Press either key to switch between the two screens; press [ESCAPE] or [BACK ARROW] to return to edit mode. In TWS 64, there are three screens; you can exit by pressing [BACK ARROW] or [RETURN]. To change the colors in the print preview screen, load or create a file, then enter preview mode by pressing [CONTROL] [SHIFT] P; or [UP ARROW] p [RETURN]. BEFORE the entire file scrolls by, press [SHIFT LOCK] (it helps to use a longer text file unless you have a very quick trigger finger). Then change colors as above, b for background and \ for text. To change colors in the standard edit screen, press [CONTROL], then b for background and \ for text. Other color changes (after pressing [CONTROL]): [SHIFT] B for menu color [SHIFT] \ for menu letter color [COMMODORE] \ for position color [COMMODORE] c for clock color [COMMODORE] b for border color (40 column only in 128) In 80 columns, if the "edge effect" is toggled on, [COMMODORE] b will toggle its color. Try this: Press [CONTROL] *. If nothing happens, press [COMMODORE] b, and you should see the edge effect change colors. If not, press * again, then [COMMODORE] b. After you get all the colors set the way you want them, press [CONTROL] x s to save the changes. Anything else you've changed, like margins, printer controls, etc. will also be saved; it's best to do this as soon as you load the program, then save the changes before doing anything else. For example, if the file you load and preview has built-in margin settings, those settings will be saved. (Reference: Pages 5 and 15-22, TWS 128 manual; p 6 and 17-22, 64 manual. --Dick Estel