Dick's Artifacts Photos 2

(Man-made Objects; page 2 of 5)

Barns, Windmills and Water Tanks, Corrals, Fences & the Like


Artifacts 1: Gas & Steam Engine Museum, Other Stuff

Artifacts 3: Bridges, Railroad, Vehicles

Artifacts 4: Bodie, Mariposa, Mendocino

Artifacts 5: Clovis, Sacramento, St. Louis, Artwork

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Barn Slide Show

Ohio barns


More Ohio barns


The "natural" look...

...and the white paint look (both Ohio)




Fresno, California 1966

Mariposa County 2003


Elliott Barn, Highway 49 near Chowchilla Mountain Road

Southern Missouri

Monterey County, near Parkfield


Near Volcano, Amador County, 2004

A barn in the town of Volcano

Cunningham Road, Merced County


Madera County

Highway 41, Madera County

Highway 49 at Pegleg Road, Bootjack, Mariposa County


Givens Ranch by Highway 140, Cathey's Valley, Mariposa County

By Highway 140, Lower Cathey's Valley, Mariposa County

Highway 41, Madera County


By Santa Fe Avenue south of LeGrand, Merced County CA

Near LeGrand Avenue and and White Rock Road, Merced County

Mt. Bullion, Mariposa County


Carlton Road, Mariposa County

Highway 140 and Triangle Road, northeast of Mariposa

Barn on East Whitlock Road near Highway 140, Mariposa County


Barn at Belmont & Brawley in Fresno

Old barn at Hobbs Grove Park, Sanger

Barn at Bothe-Napa Valley State Park


Old barn complex on Highway 16, Sacramento County

Another part of the barn complex

The main barn building


Water tower and barn

Raymond-Knowles Road, Raymond, Madera County CA

Hornitos, Mariposa County CA


Red barn at San Martin-Ludewig Ranch Park in San Martin

Barn at Franklin Ranch in Gilroy

Barn on Wellbarn Road near Prather, Fresno County

At Willow and Nees Avenues, Clovis CA Near Greeley Hill, CA On Highway 168 east of Clovis
More Ohio barns
Barns near the geographical center of the US in Kansas Indiana barn Barn in the flat country of northwest Ohio

Abandoned ranch on Colorado Highway 64

A closer look at the barn

Barn on John F. Estel's farm, Fulton County OH (my great grandfather) (Hazel Estel photo)


Barn on White Rock Road, Mariposa County

Barn in Soquel Meadow, Sierra National Forest

A late fall view of the barn and a big cedar tree
Old dairy barn at Center for River Studies, Eaton Trail Side of the barn

Is this a shed-like barn or a barn-like shed?


Old shed by Trimmer Springs Road near Piedra

Barns along State Highway 152 west of Gilroy
Barn at Ahwahnee Hills Regional Park Another view of the Ahwahnee barn And still another view from 2020
Dave Smith created this sepia tone version of the barn
Corrals, Fences and the Like

Part of an ancient fence near California Meadow in the Sierra National Forest

Old fence in Rocky Mountain National Park Shed along Colorado Highway 64

Benches and rail fence by Millerton Lake

Cattle chute, Sky Harbor Road, Fresno County CA Fallen board from the chute

Corral and ranch buildings at the edge of Baker NV

Barbed wire roll on fence at Baker

Whimsical figure on fence outside of Baker

Cattle chute in northwest Colorado Cattle guard in Colorado

Rail fence in Rocky Mountain National Park

Cattle chute, Cathey's Valley, Mariposa County, California Corral above Mariposa Cattle chute on Maxon Road, Fresno County
A mystery artifact along Old Highway in Mariposa County - half a cattle chute?

Old corral along White Rock Road in Mariposa County

Section of barn wall near the corral
Wagon wheel gate north of Parkfield

Rail fence from pioneer days surrounds the meadow at Wawona

This cattle chute at Wawona probably dates from the 1800s

Along Deadwood Lookout Road near Oakhurst CA

Fallen fence on the slope above Mono Lake

Rail fence at Wolfe Ranch in Arches National Park

Wolfe Ranch cabin I think this means "Keep Out" A bright redwood fence beside the Dry Creek Canal in Clovis CA

Old house and water tank on Highway 168 at Prather

Shed next to the house and tank

Barn and windmill on Highway 168 at Prather


Cattle chute along Dry Creek Drive in Tulare County

Posts reinforce the fence at a corner, and hold up a fallen pine

Harris Horse Ranch on Trimmer Springs Road, Fresno County

Corral on Road 406 in Madera County Old wagon in the corral Hay field fence near Parkfield
Typical barbed wire fence reinforcing technique Classic old country wire gate There are chunks of barbed wire everywhere on the rock slopes near Courtright Reservoir 
Fence at Soquel Meadow Fence and gate on Merrill Ranch, Mariposa County
(built about 1945)
Cattle chute on Trimmer Springs Road near Pine Flat Reservoir
One man's fence post is another bird's food pantry Barbed wire fence by Millerton Road in Fresno County Cattle chute at Camp Four and a Half by the Kings River

Bi-color cattle guard on Trimmer Springs Road

Fence along the Lakeview Trail at Eastman Reservoir Fence at Ahwahnee Hills Regional Park
Wagon wheel gates are a must in the country Fence  along State Highway  20 between Fort Bragg and Willits Old corral on Garnet Dike Road above Pine Flat Reservoir

Old corral along Highway 41, Madera County

Remnant of old corral at Ahwahnee Hills Preserve Fence along Parkfield-Coalinga Road, north of Parkfield
Cattle chute on Big Sandy Road Cabin just off Big Sandy Road Cabin near McGurk Meadow in Yosemite National Park
Barbed wire east of the Dusy-Ershim Trail Remnants of posts cut from sequoia tree in Nelder Grove Cattle brands on the boards of an old corral
Woodpeckers have used every post
in this fence for acorn storage
Entrance to the Fleming Ranch in rural Fresno County Fence post with a grass wig
Rusted hinge on old corral along Big Sandy Road Shed at Ahwahnee Hills Preserve Cattle chute at Pacific Grade Summit on CA Highway 4
Old shed on Highway 24 northeast of Ione Two views of fence posts drilled by woodpeckers near the San Joaquin Gorge
Fence near Trimmer Springs Road On the road to Cortez, Colorado


Windmills & Water Tanks

On White Rock Road off Santa Fe Avenue, Merced County

Near LeGrand Avenue and and White Rock Road, Merced County

Mariposa Public Utilities District million gallon water storage tank


Mendocino CA is noted for its many wood water tanks and towers

A superior example of a Mendocino water tower This one has a great view 


Windmills pumped the water into the tanks in Mendocino Railroad Water Tower, Bakersfield, California, 1965 Windmill in Madera County CA
Windmill on Turkey Flat Road near Parkfield CA Water tank at Raymond CA
Railroad water tank at Roaring Camp Railroad near Santa Cruz CA

Windmill Farm on Highway 88 a few miles east of Stockton Windmills up close

Water tower and barn on Highway 16 in Sacramento County


Windmill and water tank near North Fork Road, Madera County CA A different angle on the tank house Modern water tower on Villa Avenue in Clovis
Water tank in downtown Clovis CA, erected in 1913 Closer look at the Clovis water tank Windmill north of Parkfield CA
Tanks on the hills north of Parkfield Wind turbines west of Mojave, from California Highway 58 More wind turbines
A shiny new windmill in north Clovis, CA The Fresno Water Tower Windmill on Road 209 in Madera County
Tanks and pipes, Clovis CA Another tank in the the same complex

This stock water tank has turned into a planter

This one still works Water tower in Mendocino with double tanks Another double tank design
  Mendocino water tower with a very basic design Repair work on the 102 year old Clovis Water tower The old Shell water tower in Parkfield, now a rental cabin
Wildlife Guzzler near Pine Flat Lak - rainwater flows
down the metal panels into a concrete basin below
Abandoned pump and water tank  



All photos copyright © 2002-2024 by Dick Estel. Permission granted for personal use only; commercial use prohibited.


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Updated November 17, 2024